The Family Estate

The Family Estate

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

In Other News

I did attempt to make my Guild BOM (hard block) before I went away for Uncle R's wedding. Uncle R is getting married in South Carolina at the beach during a Hurricane or multiple hurricanes. I guess it's not his fault that he planned it for this time. Hopefully we make it. We will be driving into the hurricanes to get there. Here is the block so far.

Unfortunately the block is not complete because in the directions it said to cross cut many of the square twice to make the triangles. I wasn't really paying attention so I cross cut the given fabric twice as well to make the "feet" on the basket. You were only supposed to cut those once. So I had to call and request another piece of fabric and I am not sure that I will be able to get it before I leave to go out of town.
I did get to have a wonderful day out with my friend BP on Sunday. We went to downtown Fredericksburg, VA and shopped at the antique stores and boutiques downtown. Much of it was window shopping. But I did manage to find this framed picture made from a Molasses box.

I have lots of stuff like this hanging around the top of my kitchen and thought this would look cute up there. I really enjoyed spending the day hanging out with a girlfriend. These are the best kinds of days. I have been spending lots of time with the guys lately and need a little female companionship.
I will take lots of pics while I am gone and try to blog some fun stuff when I get back if there is no internet at the house. Hopefully you will have a great week without me.
Enjoy and Happy Quilting.
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