The Family Estate

The Family Estate

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Our Lunch Adventures

OK... we are off to a bit of a late start. It's lunchtime and we are only through one shop. Do we eat before or after the mountain? There really isn't anything in the middle. Oh... we needed to make a quick stop for gas. SHEETS!!! We stopped at Sheets to get gas and contemplated getting a sub and get right back on the road. Sheets has great subs and good coffee... and as the sign says...

But B remembered there was a Dairy Queen up the road before the mountain. She had burgers on the brain and I said OK. We finished pumping the gas and decided to head there. Here's B's big smile. Doesn't she look excited to get moving?

OK... Here's the thing. I didn't take any more pictures of lunch. I didn't have the heart to gross you out. Let's just say that we ate at a place that wasn't fancy (or even clean). We have renamed it the "Scarey Dairy" which is located in Standardsville, VA (and clearly they need to rethink that name and consider "Low Standardsville"). Luckily neither of us got sick ('cause you can't screw up a BLT).... and we were able to continue over the mountain.
Sometimes we drove past places where we would have loved to have stopped... but there was fabric waiting and so we drove on. But if you ever have the chance to stop at the little pottery place which is right in the valley between the two mountain peaks on Route 33 please send me an email and let me know how it is. It's just a tiny little shop and there is another shop next to it. I have never stopped but have always wanted to. At least I have made a mental note of where to go next year when we head on the Tour and have decided that I think we should make it a three day trip to accomodate all the places we didn't get to stop.
So over the mountains to Harrisonburg we went and then just a little south to a town called Dayton. See you at the next shop.

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