The Family Estate

The Family Estate

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

As promised I have finally put up the photos of Eeyore at Camp Motorsport at Virginia International Raceway. I have to say that if you are anywhere in the area you should send your kids to this Parent Weekend Camp. I am not much for sending kids away to Camp but hubby went and checked out this camp and it was really great. Eeyore is about 8 yrs. and it was perfect for him. Here he is running the racing simulator at the camp. He loved it so much (and so did Dad and Uncle R from NC) that we had to go online and see how much they cost just in case.

Here Eeyore is being strapped into a tandem formula car. You can see the professional driver in the back. He was driven around the track by Kevin York. You can google Kevin and read about his racing history. Check out the intense look of Eeyore's face. I think he thought he was actually going to drive it when they put the steering wheel in. Hubby says he thinks they didn't go really fast but it was fast enough to catch the "bug".

Look at Eeyore all dressed in his professional racing suit. He looks like a PRO doesn't he. You have gotta love it. Hubby didn't get a good shot of him in helmet and suit but I think the next shot was pretty good. I posted the one without the smile on purpose. I love it. This was Eeyore after his tandem ride. During the weekend he was able to drive Cup Cars as well as Hammerhead GoKarts which he has informed Daddy that he has to have at home. Daddy let him drive the whole time. I have some pictures of that as well but only through professional photographer so I have to wait to pose those. They had fun in the mud.

Here's Eeyore with the cup car he drove around the track. Doesn't he look like he stepped of the pages of Sports Illustrated. What a cutie! Clearly he had a great time at camp. And as our middle boy it was nice that he got to do something special with Daddy on his own. Enjoy!

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