The Family Estate

The Family Estate

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


I just wanted to take this oppotunity... in support of my boys at Fox and Friends, to wish everyone a Very Happy Festivus this holiday season. I have been watching faithfully every morning as they report about all the scrooges in the world trying to ruin Christmas by being polically correct. So today is Festivus.... and I want to wish everyone a very happy Festivus and encourage all of you to get into the holiday spirit by airing all your grievances on my comments page. I posted this on my facebook page as well this morning and I am hoping to help everyone make it through this holiday season with this smile.

I have been so stressed this holiday season and barely got up the tree so I wanted to let you know that if I can stay this happy with three children and a husband and four needy dogs at home with me every day for 2 1/2 weeks, you can too!
For those that don't understand my sick sense of humor, don't worry... I will be posting on Chrismas as well....
For those that don't know what FESTIVUS is (where were you when Seinfeld was on TV... living under a rock) it's a fictional holiday made up on a tv show that is making an appearance this holiday season as a slap in the face to all the Humanists who want everyone to know that they think their is no God. You can google it and laugh for yourself.
Hope all of you and yours are enjoying this joyous holiday season.... no matter what your religion and come back and see me.
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Friday, December 19, 2008

'Tis the season

This week I had a cookie baking day with some friends. I think we baked around 12-15 dozen cookies. We had to keep trying the recipes over and over again. I am having the same problem my friend Kim is having with her Christmas baking. When all was said and done I sent most of the cookies home with my friend for her family. The story is that my mother baked a bunch of cookies for Thanksgiving and I gave some to my friend but her teenage kids kept eating them. I kept giving her cookies and they kept eating them. So we decided to have a cookie day and bake my mother's cookies... and other things as well.
The first batch were too crumbly and so on... and we finally got the recipe just right.
We also make these delectable peanut butter cup cookies that are straight from heaven. Of course I gave half of them to my personal trainer when she was here :0 (for her husband)

Then we made these chocolate chip beauties.

These were the first batch of peanut better cookies. At first I wanted to save them... they were a little over-baked. But the others tasted soooo good that I stored them here.

But since I have given away all the cookies... I will be baking again today. At least tonight. Right now I am heading out Christmas Shopping AAAAAgain with a girlfriend (cookie mama). After all that baking... here's me.

Actually, it should be called my shopping grin and the end of baking. It did make me feel really good to make the cookies for the kids and we sure did have a lot of fun making them... right girls.
Merry Christmas!
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In Love with this face!

I have other things to write about today.... but I saw this sitting on my bed this morning. Hubby thinks that he has become entirely too attached to me already. He has bonded!... what can I say. I had to put this photo up and brag about this face. It's the cutest puppy face ever. Judging by the size of his legs and paws... I want to enjoy it now because he is going to be the size of a small country.


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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

There's Still Hope...?

Yesterday I wrote about my youngest son, Little Brat. One of the scout moms laughed and then sent a couple of photos that she took at the same Christmas pageant. Her son was in the angel choir but not in the play. She took this photo of my little wiseman (his character played a wiseman in the play within the play). He actually looks like he belongs in Bethlehem with the palm tree behind him.

The second photo is actually the one that matters. Right at the end of the play the assistant pastor of the church stood up and led the group in prayer. Here's Little Brat right in the middle of all the participants. I couldn't believe it. While all of the other children and adults were waiting for the prayer to begin, my son was in his own meditation. He looks absolutely angelic.

Maybe there is still hope for us all. Of course, I am kidding. I think he's the cutest and the sweetest little angel ever. I know exactly why everyone loves him. He's the best. He's also a little brat but cute all the same. I just want to scoop him up and eat him. It's the only thing that has kept me from killing him for the last eight years.
Just thought I would share this with you in the spirit of Christmas.
Come to think of it.... he was probably praying for toys... and that Santa has a sense of humor.
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A difference of opinion

Here is what Big Boy thinks about Charley. He justs wants to snuggle him and love him and sleep with him. He's so tiny... awhhh.
Right up until the time that he poops on the floor because everyone was so busy playing with him that they forgot to let him out.

Little Brat thinks he's the greatest ever. Same thing... you don't really expect me to clean that up do you. Not really... I just expect them to take him outside. All they have to do is open the door and let him out into the yard. He loves to go out there and almost always wants to stay out there. So why is there mess in the house.

I'm exhausted. We haven't slept well in at least three days. The only ones in the house getting any sleep are the kids and the puppy. Hubby wrapped him in one of my quilts so he be warm while napping on my bed.

I just want to poke him. WAKE UP!!! If Momma doesn't sleep then nobody sleeps... Get It! It doesn't work. BABIES.... can't live with 'em and can't ditch 'em 'cause their too darn cute. I might have to visit some friends to take a nap. I hope all of you out there in blogland are getting some rest and gearing up for the holidays. After reading my blog the last few days you should have no excuses. I'm trying to wear you out so you'll get some rest... or at least appreciate it when you do.
Good Luck!
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How Big IS the Dog?

Despite the fact that I am airing my laundry (my real laundry) for everyone to see... I really needed to give everyone perspective on the size of this dog. I sat on the floor to take this photo of Brandy, the Chesapeake Bay Retriever. When she's excited she knocks the laundry off the table with her tail. Hubby thinks it's hysterical. Thankfully she won't get any bigger. I can't say the same for Chocolate Chip Charley who will probably eventually be the same size.

LOL... what were we thinking?
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The Best Christmas Pageant Ever

Here is a photo of Little Brat in his theatrical debute playing Claude Herdman in the Best Christmas Pageant Ever. He's the one on the far end in the "prison stripes" and backwards baseball cap. If you don't know the story of the Best Christmas Pageant Ever you should. It's a really great little book. Basically he plays one of the 6 hoodlum kids in the neighborhood who come to be in the church Christmas pageant because the lady who normally runs it has broken her leg and the minister gives out free snacks.

My son plays one of the Herdmans, the poor kids in the neighborhood who beat up on everyone and set fire to the church. I found it to be a completely typecasted role for Little Brat and I don't see how he will ever get another part in his life. Actually I am kidding. Little Brat is actually a great friend he just a little stinker. Since we are so well known in the community (I was the PTA Treasurer for two years and we run the local cub scout pack, etc.) I get friendly calls from parents all the time. They are always laughing to tell me the latest thing that he did or said. Last week a mother called to tell me that my son bet her son that he should call 1-800-FART-POLICE on the phone when he got off the bus. You get an idea of who he is as a person. So playing a Herdman wasn't a stretch. Hubby says he takes after me.

He has been memorizing lines and attending rehearsals for about 6 weeks and Sunday morning was the final performance. He did great as expected. See... he is also smart as a whip which is what makes him so sly. Everyone loves him. My mother lovingly told me she thought he would be the one to make me a Grandma first (I shudder to think of that). I think he will be an evil genius. He will either be very wealthy or paroled early.

Of course me camera battery died about 1/2 way through the show but he looked really cute performing and did an excellent job (as expected by Mom) so I thought you would enjoy knowing what else we have been up to around here.
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Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Our Pack Expands by Two

Many of you do not know this but November of last year my husband and I (and the boys I suppose) lost a very beloved family member to old age. Hubby and I adopted a neglected 11 month old Chesapeake Bay Retriever from a bad situation and she was our first baby together. Well that little girl grew up to be a true "Man's Best Friend" (and woman's too). She mothered my young and protected our family until she passed away at the ripe old age of 14 1/2. Not a bad life. Before she passed I adopted a tiny West Highland White Terrier puppy that I named Duncan who is now my right hand. Duncan has a sister, a very eldery Black Lab mix named Kelly that came to us as a stray at 6 months old. She is now 13 years old and hardly getting around anymore.
My husband realized this month that it had been more than a year since our beloved Ally passed away and has been thinking of adopting (or purchasing rather) a Chesapeake Bay puppy for Christmas. I have to say I was against it. Another puppy in the house... yeesh! But I didn't want to lose another elderly dog and leave my poor terrier alone in the house. Not a good idea for terriers anyway even though my little guy is a social animal and loves visitors.
Last week hubby made a stop at the local animal shelter and didn't really connect with anyone there of the canine persuasion. He was searching on the internet at the local animal shelters. He finally found an ad for a 3-yr. old female Chesapeake Bay Retriever that needed a good home. She was not at the shelter but was a courtesy listing for a local couple about 30 minutes from us. He made the call to go and see her to see if she would fit in with our family. We actually prefer adoption anyway and like working with a slightly older dog. He left a message and waited to hear back.
Meanwhile, back at the Cabin, I was on my way to Big Boy's soccer game on Saturday and saw a man in a minivan by the side of the road with a sign that said "Lab Pups for Sale". I prefer my labs of the Chocolate persuasion (who wouldn't) and I decided to stop and see what he had. Of course it did occur to me that a single woman stopping to look into the back of a minivan at some guy's puppies might have been some sort of trap but being the naive idiot that I am I stopped anyway.
They did have one little chocolate lab puppy (male) of the litter and he had the most gorgeous yellow/green eyes that I had ever seen. I fell in love. I told the guy then and there that I would love to take him. I would call later and see if my husband would come with me to pick him up.
Of course, later that day just before we went to get the puppy, the lady with the Chesapeake Bay called to see if we would love to come out and see her. My husband, having not really known of my committment said we would love to come and see her and made an appointment. The couple was very glad because considering our story and our circumstances we sounded like the perfect family to adopt her.
OK... this story is getting long... I will get to the point. My husband drove us out to King George and took one look at "Brandy" and fell in love with her. He adopted her on the spot. Did I mention that she weighs about 100 pounds. She resembles a small pony with the same gallup. We drove all the way with this poor unsuspecting dog and set her up with a coming place to lay. In the meantime, I am trying to figure out what I am going to do about this puppy. I came clean to hubby and he said we could adopt them both. It's just slightly insane but we just couldn't decide.
So by Monday afternoon we had TWO new dogs. One made her giant self at home by sleeping in the center of my bed. I think she very quickly adopted us too. The other one is a tiny ball of cuteness that cannot be denied. Not by the adults, the boys or the other dogs. My little Duncan has adopted him as him own particular playmate and Brandy has adopted everyone as her pups. So we may very well be completely and undeniably INSANE but our little pack has increased by two and we can't be happier.
Thought I would share the story and a couple of photos of the new KIDS and explain why blogging is taking so long these days. Right now we are all napping on the bed and the two new ones are dreaming so they are barking a little in their sleep. I hope they are dreaming good dreams of their new family.
Here is Brandy the big dog. She looks remarkable like our old girl and has much the same personality.

What a regal princess.

Here's the handsome Prince that I have named Chocolate Chip Charley. Hubby likes the name Chip but I think he looks like a Charley.

Could you have left this little face behind? I couldn't! I was sold. Hubby thinks he makes sounds like a baby Grissley Bear when he sleeps. What can I say... just like my own little boys.... He had me at HELLO!
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Monday, December 8, 2008

Little Brat has a Birthday

So... part of the reason that I took a break from posting was Thanksgiving. My family was descending on me for the weekend. My Mom and Dad came into town on Wednesday evening. They were staying with me at my house with their 4 month old Cocker Spaniel puppies. They were very good at my house. I have a doggy door and a fenced yard but it was a little doggy crowded here at first.
My oldest brother (of the four older brothers) arrived on Wednesday night as well. He was visiting with my boys. He stayed the night in a hotel but hung out with them as late as he could. I woke Thursday morning and did what I suspect most of us did... started the Turkey and set up as much as I could.
As usual at my house, the turkey came early this year. I guess that's better than coming a little late but the bird flew the coop about 2 hours early. My second oldest brother arrived with his family on Thursday morning (most of the family came in from Maryland, my home state) so it wasn't too far to drive, but our traffic is legendary so it takes awhile. After dinner and the cleanup my sister-in-law and I start scanning the ads for the Black Friday shopping event the next day. Mom, brother, sis IL, and I went out shopping on Thanksgiving night to a couple of stores where I managed to find a birthday present for the same brother... talk about stress.
At the end of the night I began baking a sheet cake for the next day's events.
Friday morning began early again. I managed to complete baking and decorating this cake for Little Brat's birthday party which we planned to have at an indoor soccer stadium on Friday night. I had most RSVP's complete and needed to purchase and make gift bags for all the kids that night. Here is the cake I made from scratch. I blurred out the important info but you get the jist. I made the soccer ball from scratch from a cake in a bowl. I think it turned out pretty good.

We went out shopping at about 10am when the real craziness died down a bit. I picked everything needed for the party that night and got out all the leftovers for the adults. Did I mention that my cleaning lady came while we were home on Friday. So in the middle of the entire crowd we had someone dusting and mopping the floor. While it sounds great you should think about it for a minute. Lifting your feet while your trying to eat your lunch and the stress of watching someone work around you while you just sit there. I don't know about you guys but it was stressful for me. And the poor cleaning lady who was cleaning around 11 people, 2 dogs and 2 puppies.
We headed off to the stadium at about 6pm and had 22 kids + parents for a birthday party from 7pm-9pm.
It was incredibly fun but you can imagine I was pretty tired on Saturday morning. The good news was most everyone was gone by Friday night late. The only house guests I had were my parents and the puppies of course. The next day (Sat.) was soccer game day. We made breakfast, cleaned up and headed back to the soccer stadium for Big Boys game. We took everyone to lunch at Capital Ale House downtown and then headed home. Mom and I managed to make it out to Quilt and Sew in Fred before they headed home at 4pm.
I put on my pajamas at 5pm and climbed into bed where I started a reading marathon (Twilight) and watched about 20 episodes of Sex and The City on HBO On Demand. What an adventure eh? I am exhausted just telling you about it. How crazy was your holiday? The good news was that Little Brat had never had a big birthday party. He had a great time and despite the fact that I planned it one Black Friday he actually had kids show up. How did I make that happen? I put a little note in the invitation that went a little like this:
Dear Parents, I realize that I have planned this party on Thanksgiving weekend and that many of you will be out of town visiting relatives. But if you are in town and would like to come by the Field House I would love to provide you with an opportunity to drop off your kids for a great time and get some shopping done on your own or just relax and have a little dinner by yourselves. Of course, you are always welcome to stay and play dodgeball and soccer with your kids and join us in the good time. --- And then I invited 36 kids.
We had lots of Dads that hung out and had a great time. And we had lots of couples that took me up on the favor. I was glad to have them either way. All the kids had fun and Little Brat was indeed the star.
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Millstone Quilts - Fat Quarter Sale

I can't believe I have to get caught up on a blog again. I seems that I have been so busy getting things done around here with Thanksgiving and all that I haven't had time to post. Remember my Tour de Quilt Shop Hop back in October for my birthday? Well during that tour they ladies pulled my name in one of the drawings and I won a MODA gift bag. I told them I would pick it up at Millstone Quilts (remember the little red mill by the creek?). I thought it would be nice to pick it up there. I knew I would enjoy seeing Ms. Regina and her crew again. Also, Millstone has a fantastic sale once a year. $1.00 FQ's cut from the fabrics all over the shop. This is an annual sale they have in November before Thanksgiving. My friend, CH, went with me and we had a great time at the store. I didn't get any photos of the actual sale this time. But here is a photo of what I won.

Doesn't it look like a fantastic bag. I actually took the bag out to my car and emptied it so I could use the bag to shop. I was looking to improve my collection of civil war and 30's repros for some upcoming projects this year. I was also looking for stash to create a couple of BOM's for Millstone. So I went a little wild. But heh!... who couldn't go a little wild on fabric during this sale? I found some gorgeous prints from the Louisa May Alcott fabrics. I was able to ring the cow bell at the store twice. They gave me two copies of the free pattern Soduko (I gave the 2nd one to CH) and I bought this Cynthia England pattern called Old Grist Mill. I just had to. Someday I will get around to making it too. Here is my haul from the day.

I know what you're thinking. This woman is madddd!!!! And then you wish you were me! It was fun looking at it afterwards. I came home with 200 FQ's and I thought about rolling around in them naked...... but I decided to fondle them instead.
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