The Family Estate

The Family Estate

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Hey bloglanders! In case you were not convinced about how much fun Eeyore had at Camp Motorsport... here are some photos of him with friends. The little one below pictured with him is the soon-to-be Stepson of Uncle R from NC. He is also middle child and I think you can see the boys got along great on this trip. Uncle R and B boy were able to make the Camp as well and they were on the same driving team during Camp. Great Fun.

What would camp be without sitting on the top bunk with your driving mates and sharing Pokemon guys on Nintendo DS. All the boys got along great and had fun bunking out.

A Team Photo. Here are all the driving mates with Dads from Camp. They are sitting on one of the Hammerheads. Eeyore was convinced that Daddy would buy one if he drove well so he concentrated really hard during all lessons and drove a 45 minute session all by himself taking only one pitstop to "scratch his nose". Hubby and Uncle R from NC are in the back.

During the trip to the Science Museum of Richmond look what my RACING BOYS just happened to see on the side of the road while we were driving. Here is one of the exact Hammerheads that he drove at VIR. What are the odds. It 's almost as if the TomTom navigation unit is conspiring against me. I was informed by the salesman that they come in three colors. And me without my checkbook. I am getting a new Bernina Sewing Machine and delivery is soon and it won't fit in my minivan so everyone get back in the car. QUICK!

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1 comment:

Lila Rostenberg said...

You have a full and busy life! Enjoy that new Bernina!
If you click on the POST CARDS FROM THE PAST photo on my post, you can see it larger! I will send you any other photos I find. the quilt is at my mom's in another city.