The Family Estate

The Family Estate

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Halloween Again

So a few days later... it was Halloween time again. I have to tell you that my mother Sue "the ace" Super Sewer usually makes all the Halloween costumes. She has shopped and made costumes (sometimes from photographs) from 300 miles away and then shipped them overnight to get to her beloved grandsons many a year. This year... she was too tired and frankly they are getting way to complicated. One year... she was asked by a toothless smiling grandson to make a Larry Boy costume (from the Veggie Tales). In case you don't know he is a Cucumber SuperHero with plungers coming from both sides of his head. It was the first time Mom had to by costume parts at Home Depot. The costume was a purple jumpsuit with a purple cape and handmade helmet. I painted the boys face green to make him look like a cucumber. The helmet was priceless. I took a photo. It was the one and only time I send out Halloween holiday cards to family. I couldn't pass up the oppotunity.
Here are the guys this year. I paid beaucoup bucks for these babies. The deluxe models with the PVC parts and two part helmets.

Boba Fett (on the left for the science fiction challenged) is Eeyore. Little Brat is in the middle wearing the Commander Cody costume (also from Star Wars) and true to form, Big Boy wears a "Master Chief" costume inspired by a video game character in a violent video game that his father lets him play. I am so proud.

Don't you love Eeyore's smiling face. Not even $60 for a costume will cause him to crack a smile. Now you know why we call him Eeyore.

As parents... we lucked out. The trick-or-treating was great. While we have no neighbors and live in the middle of the woods we do live down the street from a nice neighborhood. Many of the families in this neighborhood chose to leave their lights off too. It was great because they had to walk more which made them tired and they wanted to go home early. YEAH!
As you can see Little Brat had a good time. He danced with this nice lady who took the time to dress up. He'll do anything to show up in a photograph. I know I don't have to tell you but I will for laughs that the expensive helmets that we bought fogged up after the 1st house and Hubby and I carried them through the whole neighborhood but they are only kids once. I'm sure that it was memorable.

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