The Family Estate

The Family Estate

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Dieters Challenge - Warning!

OK... I have done it. I have posted pictures of my body before I reached my diet goal. This is me how I usually am in the morning. Heading to the loft to work or getting the boys off to school in the morning. Always pretty casual but ready for anything. So Sharon at Red Geranium Cottage has set aside a fitness challenge or at least that's what I am calling it because I don't diet. And she has been calling for all of us to come clean and post photos of ourselves online. I finally got hubby to help. He took forever to take the photo which is why I am not my usual smiling self. I have been working out at the gym for the last month and am feeling much better but when 2009 started I have really been moving by increasing my cardio and moving to 5 days a week.

So here you go Sharon... just so you know that I didn't forget about you, I have come clean and posted my photos too. Hopefully this will motivate someone to get their photos up too. I will try to keep you posted about my progress and share some more photos soon.
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Red Geranium Cottage said...

Hi Penni, Way to go!!! You look great. Hey did you wanna be on the side bar in my blog with the rest of us?? Let me know and I'll post your blog and your name with all the rest of the gals.
Thanks for joining us.

Red Geranium Cottage said...

Hey how's it going over there??

Anonymous said...

Mo piks, plz. You look hawt.